Monday, April 23, 2012

Why I stated making my own bath and skincare products Part 2

Sorry, it's been a whole month since my last post, school has been super busy and I've been scrambling to fill orders for my shop between homework and life in general. This actually leads me into Post 2: I needed a creative stress relief.

That's right, stress relief. I love being creative and crafty, and between a hectic school schedule and needing a side job so that I can afford to feed myself and pay my bills, life just gets stressful. So, I started making soap. Getting to be crafty and manage a side income from my art (at least I consider my products art) is really gratifying and makes me, well, happy. I absolutely love what I do, and I have a great support system behind me offering me advice and encouragement when I get stressed that I'm not making sales, or I'm down on my profits for the month. Because of the enjoyment I get out of crafting, and all of my behind-the-scenes support, I've managed to grow this craft into a real business and will be getting licensed soon! The fact that I've been able to express my entrepreneurial spirit into something and it's starting to become successful is extremely rewarding, and I love hearing comments from my customers that they loved my items, and even more gratifying when I see them order again.

It seems like an oxymoron to use crafting and running a business as a stress relief when in itself runnning a business causes a lot of stress, but I guess all I can say is that being stressed about growing my business is more "fun" than being stressed about school. Well, at least it's more interesting anyways.