Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My First Craft Fair

Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long since my last post, life got crazy. I was spending long (and I mean long) hours preparing for my first craft show this last weekend. I definitely brought enough inventory, but unfortunately the show was slow this year and I only broke even for the weekend.

The show that I did was an annual Strawberry Festival celebrating it's 22nd year. Considering the show had been around for 22 years, I would have expected a much better advertising budget/campaign, but unfortunately balloons and a street sign were about all I saw. The show brought in probably 3,000 people, but my booth was in a new "overflow" area for vendors that was placed so far away from the main show that only people parking their cars in the back lots could see these new rows of vendors.

All in all I feel the show was pretty successful, mostly because I potentially picked up my first wholesale client (we'll see if it gets finalized, crossing my fingers) and because it was great exposure in the local AZ area. However, next year I'm going to sign up much earlier and not accept a spot in this overflow area (none of the vendors there did very well), especially for the regular booth fee (we didn't get a discounted booth price). I'm also happy we camped nearby in the woods instead of getting a hotel, that saved us a ton of money and we got to enjoy some time in the wilderness away from the busy Phoenix life

Here's a picture of my booth too. I am happy that my boyfriend was able to come with me and help me set it up. It was great practice and I know that my next fair will be much easier now that I have a basic booth setup going (instead of having to figure it out on the spot).

P.S. -- I want to start hosting a "Featured Seller" page every few weeks so that will be coming up soon!

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